Free Swordplay LA Facility Tour & Trial

Claim Your Free Trial!


What You Need To Know!

Free trial fencing classes are available of all experience levels. We offer a first free 1 hour group fencing class from Monday-Friday from 4:00PM-9:30PM.


What should I expect in my first free trial session? 

Fencing: We will cover your en garde stance, the basic footwork, a crash course in all three weapons and then we will get you geared up and fencing by then end! Students will also get a tour of our state of the art training facility. If you have fenced before, your instructor will use your free trial fencing class to assess your current skill level

Stunt Fighting: Actors and performers interested in our film fighting program will get a tour of our facility, a chance to check out our training weapons, and will have a one-on-one consultation with an instructor to discuss goals and training plans to help you achieve your career goals!

What should I wear?

Fencers should wear close toed shoes and athletic clothing.

I am interested in stunt group training. Can I watch a group class?

While we don’t formally allow audits on our group class, you may be taking your free trial during the time of a group class and you are welcome to watch at the end of your lesson with instructor approval.